Giovedì, 23 Dicembre 2010 17:28

Regala una maglietta di Repower America!

Scritto da  Gerardo

With 2011 just a few days away, it's time to send a clear and powerful message to climate deniers and polluters: Momentum is on our side, and we can't be stopped.
The climate movement faced considerable setbacks in 2010. But even the worst polluters are starting to realize that when it comes to protecting our planet and building a new foundation for the U.S. economy, they are on the wrong side of history.

They can doubt us and delay us. But there's nothing they can do to stop our clean energy future.

Last week, thousands of Repower America members voted to select 2011's official T-shirt. Wearing this T-shirt is a way for everyone across the country to proclaim their belief that our clean energy future is undeniable.

Make a donation of $50 or more to Repower America and you'll receive our limited edition "Statue of Liberty" T-shirt to help you show your support for clean energy.

Everywhere you look, momentum towards a clean energy future is building.

The science of climate change is considered beyond dispute by all but a few scientists, governments and NGOs. More and more communities and local governments across the country are demanding renewable resources, and companies around the globe are adopting climate-friendly business models.

I wish I could tell you that the fossil fuel industry has seen the writing on the wall and is getting ready to change. But you and I know that when people are in denial they don't let facts stand in their way.

Instead, I can tell you this: In the weeks and months ahead, it's more important than ever for us to continue fighting for the clean energy future that our children and grandchildren deserve.

Donate $50 or more today to get your free, limited edition Repower America T-shirt.

The climate movement will never back down as long as supporters like you keep stepping up.

Thanks for all you do,

Al Gore

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